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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Costa Rica the land of Pura Vida.

Internationally Costa Rica is well known as a very good place for living. We have a very nice weather, beautiful mountains and beaches. We just have two seasons the raining season and the dry season.

The majority of our people love soccer we enjoy seeing a match in the TV, in my case I have to see soccer alone because my wife does not like it.

We also have a very good food here and our wonderful typical food is known as Gallo Pinto that is rice mixed with beans, onion and some sauces.

But nothing is perfect, the last year the raining season was so hard and the floods destroyed a lot of little towns in different parts of my country. That is so sad because many people lost their houses, loved ones and they are still living in hostels. One more impact of the raining season was in farming the harvest was not good enough and they lost money and even their properties because they could not pay the loan.

Everything is returning to normally and we hope this New Year would be better and affected people will receive back everything they lost last year.

We live happy in this little country and we like to say “Pura Vida” that means “very good”, “Excellent”. This is a kind of greeting.

Only God knows what is coming for Costa Rica but we always want the better, better opportunities, no more disasters, less violence, more jobs, etc.

God bless my country and all the people that comes here.

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